Monday, August 26, 2013

Exploring the Chromebook!

We will be using our chrome books frequently throughout the year.  In order to make the most of them we are counting on you to use the Lifeskills of responsibility and integrity.  Now that you have set up your account and gotten to our classroom blog here are some more tasks for you to complete.

1. Look around on the classroom blog.  You can see some our exciting happenings from last year.  Although each year is different, it will give you an idea of some of the fun that lies ahead.  You can add comments to the blog posts if you would like.  Make sure your comments are edited and appropriate for school.  Watch this video with some other students sharing tips on how to write a great comment.

Video: How to Write a Quality Comment

2.  Follow this link to complete a Google survey.  We will be using Google surveys and other Google drive applications throughout the year to gather information, show what we know, and just have some fun.  You can always access Google drive from the top bar of your email account.

Survey: About Me!

3. Go to  We will use this website almost daily to help us with our math skills.  There are practice activities for anything you can think of!  Karate Math will be your way of showing what you are learning in 5th grade.  For every Unit you will begin as a white belt.  Each day you be assigned a skill to work on and earn points as you answer questions.  Once you achieve a 100 you will move up a belt level and begin a new skill.  New belt levels come with prizes, and if you make it to a black belt you will be able to become a coach and use your smarts to help fellow students.  Today, go to the website and look at some of the topics under fifth grade.  Then begin answering questions under A.1 to get a head start on your first belt!  You will practice using your log-in to keep track of your points next week.

Website: IXL

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Hi my new fifth graders!  I hope your first day is off to a great start.  I wish I could be there with you!  I am sending along a little video to say "hi"!

Video: Hello from Mrs. Hoft!