Thursday, December 15, 2011

Weathering! Erosion! Deposition!

What effect does water have on land?  Check out our stream tables we created to answer this question.  What features of earth can you pick out on this model?

Erosion on our very own playground!

Check out this cool photoblog with tons of Earth features and EROSION!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Can Drive!

Check out these can sculptures from our generous cougars.  We donated 1,000 can to Harvest Hope Food Bank!

Mrs. Hoft's Homeroom Donations!

Go Gamecocks!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out West

Westward Expansion! Here are some pictures from our field trip to Mr. White's Western Town.

Our town welcome

At the hotel
General store
Post Office

What was your favorite part?

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hello everyone!  Stay tuned to our class's adventures!  Look here for photos, videos, links, and descriptions of the life and times in 314 by student bloggers!

 Mrs. Hoft's Homeroom